My ever growing collection of cameras, light boxes and photography stuffs.

Kodak Brownie FLash 20
Originally these Kodak Brownie Flash 20's were designed to take 620 film. However I've modified mine to accept 35mm film. I love the reactions of the processors when I ask them to just develop the film, not to cut the negative, and that I won't be needing any prints.
Lomography Fisheye One
I purchased this little 35mm point and shoot back in '04 (I think) and have been having a lot of fun with it. It's glued to my hip and has been on so many of my climbing, surfing, snowboarding, and travelling experiences. Because of the nature of the wide angle plastic lense, you have to be really close to your subject. I often get funny looks from those that I'm shooting but usually they're really quite interested. Most of my friends are used to it by now and even expect the little white camera to be shoved in their face at some point. Eats 200 ISO - 400 ISO speed films really well and has endured the rigors of travel nicely. Not only has this fisheye bumped around the entire Northwest with me but has also been to; Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Nepal, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Honduras, Istanbul, Cairo, Kenya, Johannesburg and Cape Town as well as many festivals.

Agfa Optima 1a
Introduced in 1962 the Agfa Optima 1a was one of a few cameras that offered "automatic" functions. A selenium light meter indicates light availability via a green or red dot inside the viewfinder. This one has seen a lot and is still in mint condition.

35mm Underwater Camera
You'd be surprised how much fun these little shooters are. Inexpensive and tough they make a great addition to a day in the water. I've traveled with mine to a few countries on diving trips and has yet to let me down. No charging, no data cards and a simple AA battery make this camera stupid simple with no fuss or prep, just grab and go. Plus, unlike your fancy micro digital camera, this one floats on its own.

Nikon D3200
Since most of my shooting is done while traveling or exploring this little DSLR kit offers me a lot of flexibility. The Nikon D3200 is billed as an entry level camera, and is certainly not a powerhouse, but that's why it's so great. I have found that it not only exceeds my expectations for functionality but will also take any abuse I can dish like a champ. This camera is simple, inexpensive, uncomplicated and easy to shoot. This allows me to take a few images and move on, free to enjoy my time out and focus on other tasks, without frustration or distraction behind a lens.

Olympus Trip 35
This old shooter has been around the block with me more times than I can count. Trusty, dependable and no frills.